Ștefan Damian is Deputy Managing Partner at Țuca Zbarcea & Asociații. He has built up a considerable body of practice and experience on the merger and acquisitions/privatization, post-merger and acquisitions/privatization issues affecting private and State-owned enterprises, mergers and spin offs and on the reorganization of corporate and commercial relationships.
Ștefan Damian is co-head of the firm's capital markets practice group. He has also worked closely with the main regulatory authorities, the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the Central Depository (local depository, clearing and settlement system serving the Bucharest Stock Exchange).
His areas of practice also cover competition/antitrust law, banking and finance.
Ștefan Damian has contributed various articles to financial and legal publications and is a frequent conference speaker.
He speaks English fluently.
Relevant Matters:
- Coordinator of the legal team assisting Austria’s largest steel producer in the development of a massive greenfield project in South-Eastern Romania, following investments worth up to EUR 7,000,000,000, including advice on M&A, energy, environmental and real estate issues, as well as corporate, competition and State aid matters entailed by the project.
- Coordinator of the legal team assisting a leading oil and gas conglomerate for comercial restructuring of bonds and other liabilities of Romanian state amounting to more than USD 650,000,000.
- Coordinator the legal team assisting a major telecom company in acquiring the largest fix telecom network in Romanian, its post-acqusition integration (merger) and corporate restructuring.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by the leading financial services provider in Central Europe in connection with the listing on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Market in accordance with the recently enacted (both at E.U. and local level) regulations on cross-border listings, following a EUR 3.75bn privatisation of Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR).
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by the largest Romanian commercial bank on all its subsidiaries corporate restructuring, internal rules, compliance regulations, constitutive amendments etc.
- Coordinator of the legal team retained by world's number one steel company in group restructuring process, including reorganisation of pipes and tubes activities, merger / de-merger scenarios, assisting with relation to shares transfer operations, assignment of certain pipes & tubes production capacities and ensuring integrating operations of resulting separate units within a single industrial platform.
Practice Areas
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații successfully defends Vodafone Romania in a litigation with Romania’s consumer protection authority
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advised Erste Bank Group on acquiring a minority shareholding in Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) from SIF Oltenia
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații acts on EUR 12.35 billion GE-Alstom deal
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advised Erste Bank Group AG on reaching an agreement worth half a billion Euros
- Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații to take part in the Working Group on reform of the Romanian capital markets
- Ștefan Damian talks to Legal Week