News & Events
05 December 2006
Legal Week's latest report on Independent Law Firms in Europe recognized Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații's "rapid growth" and quotes Ștefan Damian, Deputy Managing Partner, on the current legal market trends and developments.
04 December 2006
Consistent with our goal to provide high quality information, we have recently published Better Business in Romania, a comprehensive guide intended to help investors and business operators to become familiar with the complex maze of laws and regulations. Better Business in Romani...
10 November 2006
The global energy market faces new risks in an era of strong demand, tight capacity and high prices - these risks and the appropriate responses to them have been tackled during the 2nd Emerging Europe Energy Summit sponsored by Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații.
The 2nd Emerging Europ...
30 October 2006
Balkan Legal Forum: South East Europe Business and Law aimed at gathering leading legal experts and local officials to share their take on the most recent legal developments and future trends in the Balkans in the context of Romania's and Bulgaria's imminent accession to the Euro...
26 October 2006
Răzvan Gheorghiu-Testa, Partner was an invited speaker at Investment Locations Forum which took place during EXPO REAL 2006. He outlined the latest trends and future perspectives in the real estate industry and identified the current difficulties and legal constraints in the Roma...